Circuit Breaker Action Business Support Package

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The Victorian business community has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and with the recent circuit breaker lockdown further impacting Victoria.

Eligible Businesses

To help businesses manage the image, the State Government recently announced a further $143 million package to support eligible businesses impacted by the circuit breaker action to limit the spread of COVID-19.

There are found initiatives available for eligible businesses as part of this support package.

Please Note: Applications for the Business Costs Assistance Program close midnight Tuesday 16th March 2021.

The four parts of the package include:-

1. Business Costs Assistance Program
This extension is a one-off grant of $2000 for eligible employers to assist with costs incurred as a direct result of the circuit breaker action. Although the program aims to assist eligible businesses that incurred costs through the circuit breaker action announced on the 12th February, we note that to be eligible, the business must be in an eligible industry sector.

This is determined using the applicant’s ABN registration information and the ANZSIC class code linked to their ABN registration. Applicants need to therefore ensure that this correctly reflects their primary business activity and is on this code matches the eligible ANZSIC code listing on the government website.

Other eligibility criteria includes:-

  • Businesses located in Victoria and registered as operating in the eligible industry sector (as described above)
  • Have incurred costs as a direct result of the circuit breaker action
  • Have an annual Victorian payroll of up to $3 million in 2019-20 on an ungrouped basis
  • Be registered for GST
  • Hold an ABN currently and held that ABN on 12th February 2021
  • Businesses that previously received assistance via the previous three rounds of the Business Support Fund, payroll tax rebate/waiver or other Covid-19 support programs may apply (but still need to meet the industry sector conditions)

NOTE:– Applications for the Business Costs Assistance Program close midnight Tuesday 16th March 2021.

2. Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund – Circuit Breaker Action Payment
A further $3000 one-off payment for eligible businesses who previously received a grant via the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund (no need to apply for this, the Government will contact previous recipients).

3. Victorian Accommodation Support Program
An expansion of the Regional Tourism and Accommodation Support Program – to support accommodation providers whose bookings were cancelled due to the circuit breaker action.

This $16.2 million Program provides a grant of one or two tiers where tourism accommodation providers can demonstrate cancellation of bookings between Friday 12th February and Wednesday 17th February 2021.

  • Tier 1: Funding of $2250 (ex GST) per Accommodation Premises experiencing 10 or fewer cancelled nights.
  • Tier 2: Funding of $4500 (ex GST) per Accommodation Premises with 11 or more cancelled nights.

This program is not open at this time but if you think you are eligible you can register your interest now.

4. Travel Voucher Schemes
Expanding the existing Regional Travel Voucher Scheme with an additional 10,000 vouchers for regional travel and adding a further 40,000 vouchers for travel within Melbourne

The details of these initiatives are available using this link:-

As always, if you need any assistance with these or other grants, don’t hesitate to contact us on
03 9435 4444.

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